What are WhatsApp Messages Sending Limits ? by técSupport

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October 08, 2021
 min read

Whatsapp Sending Limit

What are WhatsApp Messages Sending Limits?

If you are a new user, or you have recently started using our WhatsApp automation tool, then you have to keep your messages sending limits as instructed below:

Sending limits decide the number of exceptional clients your WhatsApp business account can send messages to consistently.

This incorporates new discussions just as existing discussions with clients. As far as possible doesn't restrict the quantity of messages your business can send, only the quantity of clients you are attempting to message. It likewise doesn't make a difference to messages sent in light of a client started message inside 24 hours.

There are 3 tiers in which your Business WhatsApp lies in:

    Tier 1: Allows your WhatsApp business to send messages to 1K novel clients in a moving 24-hour time frame.

    Tier 2: Allows your WhatsApp business to send messages to 10K novel clients in a moving 24-hour time frame.

    Tier 3: Allows your WhatsApp business to send messages to 100K novel clients in a moving 24-hour time frame.

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